Agency & Regulated Entity Responses & Audits

EPA Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part a Clean Air Act Petition that TELC submitted on behalf of Sierra Club and LEAN, which petitioned EPA for objections to an air quality permit that Louisiana issued to Yuhuang Chemical Inc. for a new methanol plant in St. James Parish, Louisiana (126-024.1) (8/31/16)

Drinking Water Audit pursuant to the Settlement Agreement in RESTORE v. Beauregard Water Works District No. 3, No. 12-cv-2602 (W.D. La. May 30, 2014) 10/15/14)

EPA Order Granting In Part and Denying In Part the Louisiana Environmental Action Network and Sierra Club’s Petitions for an EPA Objection to Louisiana’s Clean Air Act Permit for the Nucor Facility   (101-115.1) (1/30/14)

EPA Order Responding to Petition on behalf of Concerned Citizens Around Murphy (objecting to a Title V Clean Air Act permit that the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality issued to Murphy Oil USA for a proposed modification to its Meraux, Louisiana refinery) (161-006) (9/21/11)

EPA's legal position on the 1-hour New Source Review requirements for the Baton Rouge area
(101-100) (4/29/09)

Entergy decision to suspend conversion of its Little Gypsy power plant to burn coal and petroleum coke
(116.2A) (4/1/09)

EPA decision to defer its experimental burn of asbestos waste in St. Bernard Parish
(161-004) (6/23/08)

Entergy response to April 1, 2008, notice of violation of Clean Air Act requirements for hazardous air pollutants
(126-016.3) (5/23/08)

LDEQ letter summarizing changes made to a Clean Water Act permit in response to comments

LDEQ announcement that FTM and Associates will stop spraying sewage sludge near St. James Parish homes (activity covered by TELC’s Nov. 23, 2004, notice of violation of the Louisiana Environmental Quality Act)
(107-014) (12/06/04)

EPA response to petition to object to a Georgia-Pacific air permit
(101-042) (5/9/03)

EPA letter demanding reform of Louisiana water quality program following petition for withdrawal of program

Suiza Foods Response to notice of stormwater control violations
(138-001) (6/14/01)

EPA response to petition to object to a Borden permit
(regarding emission credit trading issues)
(101-002) (12/22/00)

LDEQ acknowledgment of illegalities in emission credit reduction “bank"
(101-004) (10/5/00)

EPA response to petition to object to Shintech air permits
(107-002) (9/10/97)
